Earn Your Degree in Marketing

This bachelor's degree program will prepare you for careers involving product planning, distribution, promotion and pricing strategies.  Learn insights in consumer behavior, marketing research, and strategic marketing, while exploring a broad overview of the marketing functions within organizations.

Coursework and assignments will help you build valuable skills related to marketing products, business analysis, strategic problem-solving, and presenting information in professional presentations.


A Business Degree in Marketing Prepares You To:

  • Communicate effectively in professional situations
  • Think critically when evaluating marketing and business decisions
  • Apply marketing concepts and core cross-discipline concepts in business
  • Develop empathy for customers and other cultures through a focus on global and international business.


Job Market Outlook

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The Pathways career data reflect career information associated with degree programs, and that data may include some jobs that require additional credentials and experience BEYOND the academic degree, including but not limited to professional licensure and certification, additional coursework, and specific training. See " About this data" to learn more about Pathways.